On the morning of May 18, the 297,000 dead-weight-ton (DWT) VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) "Front Queen", which was built by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding (SWS) for Norway-based shipping company Frontline Limited, was officially named and delivered. To date, SWS has built and delivered a total of 100 ships with gross DWT of nearly 16.5 million.
Today, the Capesize bulk carrier built by SWS has already become an international brand. SWS has received a total of over 110 orders for the 170,000 DWT Capesize bulk cargo carriers, the highest amount of orders in the world.
The world's sixth generation 3000-meter deep-water semi-submersible drilling platform, which is being built by SWS, is China's first independently-designed and built deep-water semi-submersible drilling platform, and the most advanced in the world. It has filled the gap in the development of super-large deep-water drilling equipment in China.

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